validate the css validate the xhtml

Ceci n'est pas une blog
by Glenn Franxman, Django Developer / Stunt Programmer.

Me too! Me too! Me Too!

posted: 2008-04-18 08:33:28 perma-link, RSS comments feed

DangerMouse-2:~ gfranxman$ history|awk '{a[$2]++} END{for(i in a){printf "%5d	%s
",a[i],i}}'|sort -rn     
  102   vi
   58   ls
   56   python
   47   cd
   43   ssh
   28   curl
   22   date
   18   crontab
   12   cat
    8   ifconfig$ history|awk '{a[$2]++} END{for(i in a){printf "%5d	%s
",a[i],i}}'|sort -rn    
  175   vi
   65   nosetests
   39   python
   31   ls
   28   export
   26   cd
   25   pstree
   19   kill
   11   cat
    8   easy_install

All of the cool kids are doing it...



bellvis commented, on April 20, 2008 at 2:44 p.m.:

I think your nosetests and kill counts are the most telling. For different reasons of course. :)


clark commented, on April 29, 2008 at 9:58 p.m.:

let's pretend I have a life and have no freaking idea what this crapola is.... explain, as you would to a child...


Glenn commented, on April 30, 2008 at 3:15 a.m.:

This is a dump of the top ten most commonly executed commands from my unix history.

From it, you can tell I'm a vi geek, who practices test-driven-development when writing python programs.

What bellvis is inferring about me is still unknown, but that's be expected -- he likes being vague almost as much as doing that other thing.


Clark commented, on May 4, 2008 at 12:56 a.m.:

U-nix... isn't that a brand of insect killer?


Puli commented, on August 20, 2012 at 9:34 a.m.:

(Paperback) Learning Website Development with Django by Ayman Hourieh is a great introduction to apiltcapion development with the Django web development framework. The author covers a wide range of topics, leading you through installation of the framework and its basic usage. The pace of the book is brisk but not too fast, though you might want to have at least some experience with Python beforehand. (Which is fair, since Django is a Python framework!) I really liked that the book has a running apiltcapion that is being built as the chapters progress so you get an idea of how each concept presented fits into the overall structure of the apiltcapion. It helps provide a context for why you are learning each chapter. This book is not a reference, nor does it seem to be designed to be. (And it doesn't need to be; Django's documentation is some of the best I've ever seen in an open-source project) If you are just staring to work with Django, buy this book and Jacob and Adrian's The Definitive Guide to Django', which is also excellent. If you already know or have worked with Django a little, you'll want to take a look at these sections that stood out above the rest: User Registration and Management Good coverage of the auth framework plus a very strong example of user registration; this topic comes up all the time in forums and blog comments. He shows how to do an invite a friend email registration system, complete with challenge verification. Enhancing the User Interface with Ajax The author presents the Ajax examples with jQuery and it's very approachable even if you haven't worked with that software. The chapter is meaty and thorough with examples of how to use jQuery's features such as event handling, DOM maninpulation, and accessing properties and attributes. He also provides examples of how to implement in-place editing, live search, and auto-complete. Commenting Good coverage of the comments framework; this is another area that isn't well-documented in the Django docs. (It's still evolving, so not a lot of time has been spent documenting it) Internationalization (i18n) Though not a long chapter, it's great to see coverage of the i18n system with a full example of how to set it up and deploy it. Unit Testing I enjoyed this section for two reasons: 1) The two examples provided were tests for the running app that is being built as the book progresses, so you understand the why behind the tests, and 2) It's great to see an author present unit testing as an important step for apiltcapion development. It's good to see this information in one place; you'd have to scour a lot of blog posts and code snippets to find all this material.


Kaylee commented, on June 27, 2013 at 10:50 p.m.:

!Daniel replied on January 21st, 2009 at 11:51 amThe Google Suggest ftaruee does not list them in order by number of results but by looking at what other people have searched for. Obviously, people searching for program in C will not be looking for Land Cover Analysis or Shelter Plus Care Program . Google trends works the same way in that it looks at how often a certain term/phrase is searched. Not the number of results it provides. Though we can look at the number of results that Visual Basic has and assume that most of them are related to visual basic due it not being a short word that could be part of another word, etc..

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